Hello! I am Timothy Mowson a photographer based in Reading who specializes in vintage camera repair and analogue photography. The photos I take are all on my own vintage cameras, the majority of which I have repaired myself. These vary from a 1902 Kodak Brownie No.2 box camera, through a 1948 Zeiss Ikon Ercona, an instant 1980s Polaroid One-Step Flash, to a 1966 Miranda Sensorex SLR.

I always feel like the art of analogue photography is in the deliberate choices taken to store a memory, and I am more likely to appreciate a photo when there is thought and feeling stored along with the image. I first started with analogue photography when I noticed I didn’t really look at my camera roll, or go over photos after I had taken them. This was not for a lack of photos, I had 1000s, but the number and ease at which they were taken often led to low quality or forgettable photos. I first picked up a polaroid to take photos with my friends as a teenager. From there I bought a Cosmic Symbol 35mm point and shoot where I was able to get photos not only of my friends, but of refracting light and interesting abstracts. The above is one of the first I took, its not the best picture but I am still proud of how light is captured through a prism in my window.

I have since developed a love of multiple formats of film, mainly 120 and 110 as the contrast between the size and grain can produce wildly different pictures from the same subject. I hope you enjoy looking through my work, and if you have any questions, wish to look at unpoisoned scans or prints, or talk about any potential work please feel free to contact me through the form.

Reading, United Kingdom


Works shown are © Timothy Mowson

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